share tipsters

463 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the wretched Times calls for a Sheriff of online share tipsters

It misses the point. I discuss why as I prepare a second Christmas meal for a ShareProphets reader. It is all part of the service. It could be you next year.


2187 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - Stockomendation, how to track and use share tipsters

WEelcome to the Taffies, that is to say share tipster tracking site Stockomendation - not to be confused with a company of a similar name noted for tipping as massive buys all the big frauds on AIM. Stockomendation is a useful site and all is explianed in the presentation, by James Bowden, below.


3072 days ago

There is no point in paying for share tipsters says Duck & Dive, whatever...

So says the sage of the ShareProphets comments section. His thesis is a) that if tipsters were any good they'd be coining it in as investors themselves and b) that they are just talking their own book. He cites the Mirror journalists the City slickers who were sent to prison for pumping and dumping.


3280 days ago

How to Judge share tipsters: Video of Paul Roberts of Stockomendation at UK Investor Show

Uber Welsh Paul Roberts of Stockomendation reckons that he knows how to judge share tipsters and so can help you to pick which shares to buy. All is explained in his presentation from UK Investor Show 2015


3727 days ago

How share tipsters fudge performance & a valentine’s love-in with Steve Moore as we discuss ours on Nifty Fifty.

Share tip services usually bodge performance in a number of ways. You can safely say they try to make their stats look as good as possible in order to get you to sign up. The bodges are easy.

The most common one is to use mid-prices rather than offer to bid. It is industry standard to do this and no-one wants to break ranks. I admit that when at t1ps the performance of Steve & I was calculated in this way. It gets compliance sign off, it is legal, everyone does it but it is completely misleading. It is not as if your poor readers get to buy and sell at the mid.

I know of penny stocks that trade at 1p-1.5p. Tip such a stock and see it go to 2.25-2.75p and the industry standard website will claim a 100% gain. The real gain is of course 50% - if you serve up only 10 or so tips a year that “fudge” allows you to boost your stated performance by 5 percentage points. But it is thoroughly misleading.

Steve & I admit to have sinned with the rest of the industry but we have repented and wish others would do the same

The second is to claim performance from one share commentator to promote your publication when he or she does not in fact write for it anymore. I note that Red Hot Penny Shares (a publication I was the founder editor of in 1998) has recently changed editor. Yet
